Be Who You Are

 The main message my father left me with his passing was not to do what he had done (he stifled himself, lost energy and died a rather early age), but rather to believe in myself and to have the courage to:

“Be Who You Are!”

 Unashamedly, openly, honestly, confidently. LIVE it. Love it. When you enjoy what you do, for God’s sake, SHOW IT! Find the joy inside you and jump with it, if and when you feel the need to do so. Let your body show you how it wants to express its joy of life. Just like children do—and animals, too. Dance with it, if it moves you to dance. Give voice to it—sing it out. Whatever you do, give spontaneous expression to it. No matter how you think others might disapprove.

Do NOT for anyone in the world, stifle it!

That is what Sacred Movement—the spontaneous expression of what we are really feeling deep inside, to transform it back to Love again in a safe and sacred way—is to me! Allowing myself to freely express every single emotion that comes up for me in that state always brings me back to joy and peace—if I allow the process to run to completion. The more regularly I practice it, the quicker the results are and the longer they last.

I find it really sad that in many societies we are discouraged from being spontaneous in order to ‘fit in.’ In my experience, what really happens is that when we do let our joy shine through, it helps to lighten the energy around us—and that actually attracts others. For deep down we all yearn to feel good, to be happy. To be ‘In Love.’ Because that is the essence of Who We Really Are. Sharing that is actually the biggest gift that we can possibly give one another—and to the world.

When we truly show who we are and radiantly express that, we connect with each other from a totally different place. Being ‘In Love’ we do not need to seek it, or compete for it, for in just opening up so that it can flow through us, we have direct access to an unlimited supply of it. In this state, we become able to freely give it, without ever feeling depleted.

In this expanded ‘In Love’ space, mutual acceptance has a natural place. Acceptance of our differences. Acceptance that another’s opinions are just that—opinions. Nothing more than different viewpoints born from different life experiences. They are not criticisms. They are not crimes to be punished. They do not mean that others are wrong at all, or not allowed to live their lives in their own particular heartfelt ways.

All we need to ‘do’ is to give ourselves—and others—permission to dance to the tune of our own inner drum, our own soul song. No one can show us what that is. No one can show us how it is to be done.

It is up to us to find what truly inspires us and makes us jump for joy—and to follow that. For when we do, we truly express Who We Are and the Love that then radiates from us touches everyone with whom we come into contact. In that way, it is one of the most important things that we can ‘do’—not only for ourselves but also for everyone else in our lives. The other very important thing that we can ‘do’ is to allow and encourage everyone else to do the same. That is the path toward creating what we are all deep-down yearning for: a happier, healthier, more peaceful, more love-filled world for all: a place where Love is All There Is (my mother’s last words).

This is an excerpt from one of Christina’s books:  Be Who You are – Messages from a Father’s Life and Passing It is currently self-published and can be purchased from her directly, at $12 per copy or $20 for the set, with the companion book being Messages of Love – Stories Around a Mother’s Passing They are both listed, with reviews, in Resources and can be purchased directly from Christina.

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