Energy Work

Reiki with Christina Nienaber-Roberts at Relax and Feel Radiant

Integrative Energy Work …

A Synergistic Blend of Reiki, Healing Touch, Sacred Movement and more!

Christina draws on a combination of energy work modalites that she has been trained in,  as well as her finely honed intuitive abilities, that have been with her since childhood, to support the person she is working with in restoring balance to the subtle energy field and to tuning in to the natural healing/transformational force that flows through us.  Sessions include creating a calm and sacred environment for the client to totally relax, setting the intention for the highest good of the client, and then gently bringing the energized hands into the client’s energy field.  A combination of gentle touch, hands-on holding, and off the body sweeping is used during sessions.

Energy work is based on the understanding of Ancient Healing and Spiritual Traditions

and corraborated by Quantum Physics

that everything is energy and that human beings are elctromagnetic energy fields in constant interaction with – and therefore affected by – everything within their environment as well as by their own thought patterns.  This modality is based on modulating the human energy field to help the matrix return to a state of balance, by smoothing out energy blocks and boosting depleted areas.  It works to enhance the entire system so that it may function more optimally.

While various forms of Energy Work forms have been used since ancient times

Healing Touch has been developed by nurses

and scientific studies have shown it to help with:

  • Deep relaxation – and all the benefits that brings
  • Relief from anxiety and depression
  • Stabilization of blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Enhanced healing of wounds and from injury
  • Augmenting the effects of medication
  • Reduction in insomnia
  • Relief from pain
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Chronic fatigue, fymbromyalgia and other chronic conditions
  • Reducing the side effects of medications and cancer treatments
  • Enhancing the ebenficial effcts of other treatments
  • Enhancing the experience for mother during childbirth
  • Extending quality of life and easing the passing of the dying
  • Deepening the spiritual connection.


Both Healing Touch and Reiki are internationally recognized

and Energy Work is used globally in hospitals and hospices

community service, healing and retreat centres – and can be combined with Massage.  It is also an integral part of Sacred Movement sessions and practice and from time to time Christina may from time to time introduce energy work self-care tools in her Yoga classes.

Private Sessions

of 60 min Energy Work Treatments

may also be delivered in Hospital, Care Homes or at home if the client is unable to travel. The same fees apply as for Massage.

For fees, please see Consultations.

FMI or to book an appointment, please Call Christina at (250) 890-9008.


Energy Work 101 Classes

Getting started

A great introduction to energy work for self-care and preparation for Reiki, Healing Touch, or Therapeutic Touch Level 1.  These basic easy to assimilate courses grew out of Christina’s personal experience during her own journey of how powerful these practices can be ito self-help.  As a result she has become a very powerful advocate for empowering people to gain self-care skills. These classes are also available in-home for families and friends supporting someone who is ill or who needs a medical procedure. In energy work Giving is Receiving and the relaxation benefits is equally experienced by giver and receiver – a real win-win!!!

Classes are scheduled as soon as there is sufficient interest, so please Call Christina at (250) 890-9008 if you would like to be put on the waitlist.